Monday, October 29, 2007

Sad...& Lonely

Hey everyone.
i haven't posted for a long time now haven't i?hehe
i have nothing much to write actually..haha
well,that explains my title.I,Miss Piyak is an idiot.i don't understand things is hard.i have to deal with it but things just keeps getting worse....i thought things would be better once i changed...but its not...just because i always put on a smiling face doesn't always mean i'm happy..its just a mask that i wear to shield myself from getting hurt.i don't want my dearest friends to worry about me.

I probably sound like i'm saying my last words..but their not..i just wanted to express myself...i love my friends a lot..and i'd protect them no matter what..i'd kill whoever that even dares to lay a finger on them.only i can tease and bully them..AND ONLY ME!!i probably sound like an over protective friend right now...but i'd do the same to anyone dear to me.i feel so emo rite now...just by my type of writing u should probably be wondering somethings up with this girl.but i'm not gonna say who i am...cause you might already know.BOBO?POLKA-DOTS?PAU-CHAN?if u guys read this...don't freak out!MANDAKU!Same goes to you! i can imagine your reaction rite now...bobo must be like wth?!why so emo?!polka-dots..i donno.ur would you say?'d probably be worried sick now rite?i'm just gonna apologize if i've ever said and done anything to u girls..

Especially polka-dots...i'm sorry if i've ever said horrible things to you..i really am..i never meant sorry....i really am..gosh...i'm silly...

Just wanna tell u guys i love y'all~!!!!!!

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