Monday, October 15, 2007

raya raya RAYA!!

hey ppl! whats shaking? =D asila here. im kinda bz this week..actually not just me..every muslims in this world are bz too cuz its hari raya!!! wooooohoooooooo!!!

eheh.neway this  year i celebrate raya at kampung!it was fun..and kind of boring.i ate a lot of ketupat & rendang!my mom and maid made the best rendang ever! on the first day of raya we were supposed to wake up early around 7a.m but i woke up around 9 cuz man i was tired! its b'cuz the day before that i helped a lot and at night we played firecrackers and all! it was so much fun!!! i slept at 2am. =P

on hari raya we only visited 2 houses cuz too many ppl came to ours'.i didnt get duit raya cuz most of my aunts and uncles are at k.l. but what the heck get to eat loadz and loadz of ketupat and rendang is good enough!second day of raya was kind of boring cuz i stayed at home only.third day.which is today we have to go home. sad

before we head home we went to my aunt's open house at subang. it was totally havoc cuz most of my relatives were there. and again we ate a lot!! camwhore and just being abnormal. i had so much fun & i received loadz of duit raya there!!!! yay me!

i wonder if im having open house this year cuz my dad suddenly need to go to terengganu during raya week!!! why??? .........................

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