Thursday, May 31, 2007

whats happening!!!hehehe

What is up and what is down dudes!!!!!!how are ya are you having fun in your life...heheh :p.sophie here!(again)just wanna post another blog because i love posting!!!!hehe.well i didnt know that sara posted until she told me because we posted at the same time but i posted a few seconds after her.hehhehe =)the picture of Cubby was taken by ME!!!!heheh :p [i am such a photographer :p i haved a lot of fun with my hamster today but i should get another one so it wont get bored!!!yup!!i was suppose to give it as a present but looks like that someone hate animals =( dont have to tell about that dude in pyramid kk? :[well its house is so not a mansion and its not so big....okay la...i love my house because it was...[custom made]kind dad did the design.he is very good at he pick the right place to put everything.he is good.wanna know something??my dad bought some stuff from ikea and it was heavy so we have to use the trolley thing.its not a trolley like the supermarket...its the flat one and he sent it back to where all the others are.guess how?
he used it as a skateboard by pushing it and stand on it.hehheheheheh!!!!:p he is so funny!!!

he is such a sporting guy and i love him[awwww ]
it was so much fun having you at my house problem ;)
thats all guys for now and i will post again REAL soon.see ya!!!

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